
Product carbon footprint

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Stand out from the competition, promote your product truthfully without risking accusations of greenwashing and meet the requirements of legislation or your customers. These are selected benefits of calculating your product carbon footprint. How and why can your company get started? 

What is the carbon footprint of a product? 

The carbon footprint of a product means the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted into the atmosphere as a result of its production, use and disposal. It includes emissions from raw material extraction, production, transport and end-of-life disposal. The carbon footprint is usually measured in equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2e) to allow for a standardised measurement of a product's impact on climate change. 
One popular method is the cradle-to-gate calculation, or the method that assesses the carbon footprint of a product from cradle to factory gate. This assesses the following stages:  
Sourcing and production of raw materials 
Transportation to the production site 
Production phase and finalisation of the product ready to be shipped to the customer

Why is it important to calculate the carbon footprint of your product?

One of the most common reasons why customers turn to Green0metr to calculate the carbon footprint of a product is that their customers and clients already need to know the carbon footprint of their goods. Being able to demonstrate their carbon footprint thus contributes to better competitiveness. Even in the B2C segment, an accurately calculated carbon footprint can help you create a better impression on customers, stand out amongst your competitors and communicate the sustainability of your product in a truthful and transparent way. 
The calculation process itself will show not only the overall climate change impact of your product, but also the impact of sub-areas of production or hotspots with the greatest potential for change. Whether it is the production phase, transport and distribution or the choice of raw materials. This allows you to see clearly where the greatest opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions lies and to make appropriate, evidence-based decisions.

Experts will guide you through the calculation process 

Every Green0meter client is initially guided through a basic introduction to the calculation process, setting up a partnership in which we listen carefully to your own expertise and knowledge of your production processes, perhaps even during a site visit to your production. 
We will show you the key data sources we need for the calculations and show you where to find them. Our experts will then perform all the necessary calculations according to the methodology of the internationally recognised ISO 14067 standard. The output is then a clear report, standardized according to the above mentioned standard and an overview of the areas you can focus on or to some extent compare how you stand against your competitors.  Green0meter specialists can also provide expert advice on which aspects of production hold the greatest potential for reducing your carbon footprint and what steps you need to take to do so.

author avatarAuthor: Karel Kotoun

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